Advanced WordPress Reset WordPress 插件

Advanced WordPress Reset WordPress 插件


Notice: If you are looking for cleaning up your database and delete orphaned items, use instead our plugin: Advanced Database Cleaner

‘Advanced WordPress reset’ plugin will reset and restore your WordPress Database to its first original status in order to make a fresh installation without going through WordPress traditional installation. You can also reset specific items by executing tools such as: clean up the “uploads” folder, delete all comments, remove all plugins, etc.

This plugin will help you save time especially if you are a developer and you have to install WordPress from scratch every time after testing some plugins/themes.

The plugin provides two main features categories:

Main reset (Reset all)

  • Runs a new installation without going through the 5 minutes WordPress installation
  • Resets the database without deleting or modifying any of your files (all your WordPress, plugins, and themes files are kept as they are without modifying them in any way)
  • Deletes all database customizations made by plugins and themes
  • Deletes all content including posts, pages, options, menus, etc.
  • Detects the Admin user and recreates it with its saved password. If the Admin user does not exist, the current logged in user will be recreated with its current password with wp_user_level 10
  • Keeps the blog name after the reset

Custom reset tools

  • Clean up ‘uploads’ folder (/wp-content/uploads) by deleting all its content. This includes images, videos, music, documents, subfolders, etc.
  • Delete all themes (the plugin uses WordPress core functions to delete themes). You have the possibility to keep the currently active theme or delete it as well
  • Delete all plugins (the plugin will deactivate them first then uninstall them using WordPress core functions)
  • Clean up “wp-content” folder. All files and folders inside ‘/wp-content’ directory will be deleted, except ‘index.php’ and the following folders: ‘plugins’, ‘themes’, ‘uploads’ and ‘mu-plugins’
  • Delete Must-use plugins. All MU plugins in ‘/wp-content/mu-plugins’ will be deleted. These are plugins that cannot be disabled except by removing their files from the must-use directory
  • Delete “.htaccess” file. This is a critical WordPress core file used to enable or disable features of websites hosted on Apache. In some cases, you may need to delete it to do some tests
  • Delete all comments. All types of comments will be deleted. Comments meta will also be deleted
  • Delete pending comments. These are the comments that are awaiting moderation
  • Delete spam comments
  • Delete trashed comments. These are comments that you have deleted and sent to the Trash
  • Delete pingbacks. Pingbacks allow you to notify other website owners that you have linked to their article on your website
  • Delete trackbacks. Although there are some minor technical differences, a trackback is basically the same things as a pingback

The use of the plugin is quick, convenient, and safe. It is impossible to accidentally click on the reset buttons without your permission. You are always invited to confirm your actions.

Multisite Support

  • The plugin does not support Multisite installation for now. We will add compatibility as soon as possible.



2024-07-11 10:38:03
