iThemes Sync WordPress 插件

iThemes Sync WordPress 插件


Manage Multiple WordPress Sites From One Dashboard

Manage updates (and much more!) for all your WordPress websites from one central dashboard. With iThemes Sync, there’s no more logging in to multiple websites to perform WordPress admin tasks. Let iThemes Sync be your personal WordPress website assistant with features for WordPress management productivity. See all 20+ ways iThemes Sync will save you time in your WordPress workflow.

Maintained and Supported by iThemes

iThemes has been building WordPress tools since 2008, including iThemes Security, our WordPress security plugin and BackupBuddy, our WordPress backup plugin

One Central Dashboard to Save You Loads of Time

iThemes Sync allows you to manage and maintain multiple WordPress websites from one central dashboard. Instead of having to login to each individual website, iTheme Sync gives you one place to view important website data and perform remote WordPress admin actions. Easily switch to iThemes Sync’s individual site view to perform site-specific admin actions such as running WordPress plugin and theme updates, making remote WordPress backups and more.

  • No More Logging In To Multiple WordPress Websites – Logging in to multiple websites is tedious and time-consuming. No more keeping up with multiple usernames and passwords. With Sync, you have one dashboard for all your WordPress websites.
  • Perform WordPress Admin Actions Remotely – iThemes Sync allows you to perform a host of admin tasks remotely—like installing themes and plugins, managing comments, running updates, adding users and much more.
  • Stay On Top of WordPress Updates – WordPress updates are important both for the security and efficiency of WordPress websites. iThemes Sync totally changes the way you update your WordPress sites—now you can update dozens of sites with click.
  • Bulk Install Themes and Plugins From or Zip Upload – Search and install from and view your profile favorites. Upload theme or plugin zip files or install themes and plugins directly from your iThemes membership.
  • WordPress User Manager – WordPress user management in iThemes Sync allows you view all users on a website, edit user profiles and delete users remotely. With Sync’s Client Dashboard, you can customize how certain users see the WordPress dashboard.
  • WordPress Post & Page Manager – View a list of current posts and pages on your site, including the title, author, date last modified, focus keyword, SEO score and SEO readability.
  • Duplicate Pages & Posts Remotely – Once clicked, you’ll be taken to a new, duplicate post or page on your website.
  • Remotely Login to WordPress & Switch Between User Accounts – Quickly jump to the WordPress Admin dashboard of your WordPress site where you’ll be instantly logged in from iThemes Sync. You can also switch between any WordPress user account registered on the site without sharing password info.
  • WordPress Comment Manager – View all comments (all, approved, pending, spam, trash) and unapprove, mark as spam, or move comments to trash.
  • WordPress Database Optimizations (Pro) – Make sure your WordPress sites are running efficiently with WordPress optimizations. Sync handles actions like cleaning out post revisions, spam comments and more.
  • WordPress Uptime Monitoring (Pro) – Sync Pro offers a way to monitor WordPress uptime, downtime & overall performance for all your WordPress websites. Get notification emails when sites go down and view a history of your overall WordPress performance.
  • SEO Checker + Google Analytics & Google Search Console Reports (Pro) – Track key SEO metrics with Sync’s SEO Checker and Google Analytics & Google Search Console integration. Sync integrates with the Yoast SEO plugin to give you an overview of the health of your SEO efforts.
  • Remote WordPress Backups & WordPress Security Actions – Run remote backups with Sync’s integration with BackupBuddy, our WordPress backup plugin, and perform more WordPress security actions from Sync with iThemes Security, our WordPress security plugin.

Features Designed for Freelancers and Agencies

Sync Pro was made for anyone managing multiple WordPress sites. If you’re building sites for clients, you’ll love how Sync makes caring for client sites easier and more profitable.

  • WordPress Maintenance Reports – Sync Pro includes in-depth WordPress maintenance reporting to show the work involved in maintaining WordPress websites. Email clients beautiful HTML email reports with a summary of update actions you took to keep their site running smoothly.
  • Customize the WordPress dashboard for clients/users (Pro) – With Sync Pro, you get Client Dashboard, a WordPress role manager that controls which menu items your clients see in their WordPress dashboard. Don’t want them have access to plugins, themes or settings? Simplify their dashboard so they only see what they need — like posts and pages.
  • Show/Hide Sync From the WP Dashboard – To keep your clients or other site users from messing with your Sync authentication or removing the plugin, you can choose to hide or show the plugin in the WordPress dashboard of each site you manage with Sync.
  • Share Your Sync Dashboard with Another User – If you have other people on your team that you’d like to task with helping you maintain sites, this feature is a great way help you easily delegate your workload to other team members.
  • Site Notes and Tags – Sync’s Notes feature is a handy way to keep notations about your Synced sites. For example, if you added customizations to theme or plugin files that could be lost with an update, add a reminder. Tag business sites, personal sites, client sites, live, non-live or however you want to be able identify your sites.

WordPress Security & Monitoring

  • Two-factor Authentication – Add an extra layer of protection to your Sync dashboard login with two-factor authentication. Once enabled, Sync will require both a password AND an SMS code sent to your mobile device to log in to the Sync Dashboard.
  • WordPress Uptime Monitoring – Monitor WordPress uptime and know immediately if one of your websites goes down with uptime notification emails. View uptime stats such as total uptime percentage, total downtime, and number of downtimes for WordPress performance monitoring.
  • Whitelist Your IP Address (iThemes Security integration) – Temporarily whitelist your IP Address remotely so you don’t get locked out of your website by the iThemes Security plugin’s Bad Users feature.
  • Release iThemes Security Lockouts (iThemes Security integration) – View and release any current iThemes Security lockouts.

WordPress Updates

  • Daily Notification Emails – Get a daily summary of available WordPress updates as a helpful reminder to log in and run updates. Customize the delivery time your daily notification emails to fit your schedule.
  • One-Click Update All – View a summary of all available updates for all your websites and then update them all with one click.
  • View Plugin Changelogs – View update logs that include all updates made in Sync, including the date of the update, previous version number and new version number.
  • View Updates by Site – The in-depth individual site view gives you a detailed view of the available updates for that site, with more WordPress site management action options.
  • Sort Updates By Theme or Plugin – View a listing of individual theme and plugins you have installed on your websites along with available update information.
  • Ignore Update Option – If you’ve made customizations to your themes and plugins, an update could overwrite your work. Choose to ignore updates for specific themes and plugins.

WordPress Maintenance Reports for Clients (Pro)

Make steady, reliable income for WordPress maintenance with iThemes Sync Pro’s WordPress Maintenance Reports.

  • Show Clients the Value of What You Do – Detailed website reports are one of the best ways to show clients the value of a monthly WordPress maintenance plan. Sync Pro’s WordPress Maintenance Reports handle the hard work of compiling all the update actions you took, so you can justify the value of what you do.
  • White-label Report Emails – Upload your own logo and set custom colors for the header, footer and button color of report emails to better match your company’s branding.
  • Summarize Update Actions to WordPress Core, Themes & Plugins + More Website Stats – Reports include all update actions taken within a certain timeframe, both from the Sync dashboard and the WordPress dashboard. See a full list of all of stats included in Sync’s WordPress reports.
  • Schedule Reports to Automatically Run & Deliver Report Emails – Reports can run on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, and then automatically email reports to clients.
  • Email Beautiful, Interactive HTML Reports to Clients – Reports are delivered as beautiful, interactive HTML reports so clients can get a visual summary of the WordPress maintenance you provide. Sync handles compiling and organizing update actions and key website stats. See a WordPress maintenance report demo.
  • SEO Reporting – Summarize key SEO Stats stats in an easy-to-digest format — showing how your client’s sites are doing in Google and where they can improve. See a WordPress SEO report demo.


  • – Search and install themes and plugins from remotely from Sync. View your profile favorites to save time.
  • BackupBuddy – Run remote WordPress backups, download your latest backup file, view number of edits since your last BackupBuddy backup and download ImportBuddy remotely.
  • BackupBuddy Stash – View, download and delete your BackupBuddy Stash backups, and view a graph of the total amount of Stash space you’ve used.
  • iThemes Security – Temporarily Whitelist your IP Address remotely so you don’t get locked out of the website. View and release any iThemes Security lockouts.
  • Google Analytics – Track Google Analytics for multiple WordPress sites. View key metrics from Google Analytics such as traffic, landing pages, keywords, sessions and referrer URLS.
  • Google Search Console – Get a quick summary of Google Search Console data, view search analytics, crawl errors and sitemaps info.
  • Twitter – Automatically share posts and pages to Twitter. Once activated, adds a button to your WordPress post editor to tweet.
  • Yoast SEO – Sync’s SEO Checker feature integrates with the Yoast SEO Plugin so you can quickly see the SEO status of the content on your WordPress website.
  • Gravity Forms – From Sync, you can view all the forms you’ve created in Gravity Forms for that site. You can also quickly see how many responses and views each form has received.
  • WP101 Plugin – Easily add a complete series of WordPress onboarding tutorial videos to the WordPress dashboard of your client sites with Sync’s WP101 plugin integration.


This file is part of iThemes Sync. This plugin is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

DISCLAIMER: Under no circumstances do we release this plugin with any warranty, implied or otherwise. We cannot be held responsible for any damage that might arise from the use of this plugin.



2024-07-11 10:29:33
