Category Posts Widget WordPress 插件

Category Posts Widget WordPress 插件


Category Posts Widget is a light widget designed to do one thing and do it well: display the most recent posts from a certain category.

Term and Category based Posts Widget

A premium version of that free widget available at created for big WordPress sites.

Premium features

  • Auto-sizing Grid layout
  • Custom field support in the Template
  • Shortcode support in the Template
  • Image-Slider (or News-Ticker)
  • Asymmetrical list layouts
  • Full background images
  • Masonry responsive grid layout
  • More complex filter (ANY, NOT, AND, …)
  • Custom Post Types, Events, Products support
  • All free features
  • E-Mail support
  • More examples on the demo pages


  • Template to arrange the post details.
  • The Template text can be a post details placeholder, plain text, HTML or a font-icons.
  • Font-icon support.
  • ‘Load more’ button / Ajax API
  • Item Title heading level buttons
  • Excerpt length and item title in lines (line-clamp)
  • Shortcode (Easily change all Shortcode options in the customizer).
  • Date range filter
  • New date format: Time since plublished
  • Filter by post status: Published, scheduled, private.
  • Multiple shortcodes at the same site or post.
  • Add option for post offset (use two or more widgets after another).
  • Admin UI: Buttons in the editor toolbar to insert shortcode.
  • Option to touch device friendly “everything is a link”.
  • For editing shortcode adds a Customizer link to the admin-bar (“With one click to the Customizer”).
  • Set thumbnail width & height / image crop with CSS (object-fit).
  • Fluid images (max-width in %).
  • One thumb dimension can be left empty.
  • Option to set mouse hover effects for post thumbnail.
  • Set a default thumbnail.
  • Hide widget text or text, if there is no post.
  • Option to hide posts which have no thumbnail.
  • Option exclude current post.
  • Option show post author, comment’s count, post date.
  • Admin UI: Set / find thumbnail size buttons: +, ¼, ½, 2x, -, ratio and Media sizes
  • Admin UI: Buttons to easy add post details placeholder.
  • Multi sites support.


  • Full documentation
  • Shortcode: Use [catposts] in the content and edit in the customizer
  • Formatting date and time: See Formatting Date and Time


While using this plugin if you find any bug or any conflict, please submit an issue at
Github (If possible with a pull request).



2024-07-11 09:34:05
