Perfect Images – Media Replace, Generate Thumbnails, Image Sizes, Optimization & Retina! WordPress 插件

Perfect Images – Media Replace, Generate Thumbnails, Image Sizes, Optimization & Retina! WordPress 插件


Manage your images the right way: set your sizes, optimize, retinize, replace, and more! Everything you need for perfect images.

Originally, this plugin only took care of one thing: Retina Images. But with time, WordPress installs became more and more complex, and it was decided that this plugin should help you more with your images. Here are the main features:

  • Image Sizes Management
  • Media Replace
  • Retina Images
  • Regenerate Thumbnails
  • CDN (with Image Optimization by EWWW)
  • Disable Image Threshold

Image Sizes Management

In WordPress, it’s impossible to actually know which sizes are set up by your whole system and even less to control them. With Perfect Images, you will be able to disable the sizes you do not want. Also, in the Dashboard, you will be able to check which are the sizes created for each of your media entries. For example, this will allow you to disable the medium_large, 1536×1536, and 2048×2048 sizes which are now created by WordPress automatically and useless in most cases.

Media Replace

If you wish to replace an image by another one, you can do it very quickly and easily with this plugin.

Retina Images

The plugin creates the image files required by the High-DPI devices and it displays them to your visitors accordingly. Your website will look beautiful and crisp on every device! The retina images will be generated for you automatically (though you can also do it manually) and served to the retina devices. The concept of retina images for full-size images is also a very unique feature which is only provided by this plugin (which is why it became unique). More information and tutorial available on the official website.

Regenerate Thumbnails

Every time your registered sizes are changed, you need to regenerate your thumbnails. Since Perfect Images does a lot with image sizes, this is a feature which had to be built. Of course, it supports bulk actions.

Disable Image Threshold

Maybe you noticed that, sometimes, you had files suffixed with “-scaled” at the end of their filenames. This is because WordPress resizes big images automatically, and it doesn’t give you the choice. Perfect Images gives you control over this feature.


The plugin is very fast and optimized. It doesn’t create anything in the database.

Pro Version

The Pro version adds support for Retina for full-size, support for lazy-loading for your responsive images and various options. And it supports my work ?


  1. Set your option (for instance, you probably don’t need retina images for every sizes set-up in your WP).
  2. Generate the retina images (required only the first time, then images are generated automatically).
  3. Check if it works! – if it doesn’t, read the FAQ, the tutorial, and check the forums.



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