Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager WordPress 插件

Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager WordPress 插件


Manage and replace sidebars and other widget areas on your site with Custom Sidebars, a flexible widget area manager.

Make custom sidebar configurations and be able to choose what widgets display on each page or post of your site.

Need to make a widget sticky or fixed? Try our free WP Sticky Anything plugin.

Custom Sidebars works ONLY with the classic widgets screen that was used in WordPress before version 5.8. If you want to use it with version 5.8 (and above) you have to install the official Classic Widgets plugin, or enable the classic widgets interface yourself. Once the classic widgets screen is activated the plugin will work the same as before.

Having problems setting up SSL or generating an SSL certificate? Install the free WP Force SSL plugin.

Display Different Sidebars on Pages and Posts

Custom Sidebars allows you to dynamically display custom widget configurations on any page, post, category, post type, or archive page.


“Custom Sidebars will go on my “essential plugins” list from now on. I am pleased by how easy it was to figure out and by how many options are available in the free version.” – monkeyhateclean


“This plugin does exactly what it says. It’s light, integrates well into WordPress and gives you tons of possibilities.” – DarkNova

Every part of Custom Sidebars integrates seamlessly with the Widgets menu for simplicity and control. No confusing settings pages or added menu items, just simple core integration.

A Simple Flexible Sidebar Manager

** Custom Sidebars Includes: **
* Unlimited custom widget configurations
* Set custom widgets for individual posts and pages, categories, post types, and archives
* Seamless integration with the WordPress Widgets menu
* Works with well-coded themes and doesn’t slow down your site
* Set individual widget visibility – for guests, by user role, by post type, for special pages or categories
* Author specific sidebars – display a custom sidebar for each of your authors
* Clone and sync widget settings – quickly edit complex configurations
* Import and export custom sidebars – backup and share sidebars

Install Custom Sidebars and see for yourself why it’s the most popular widget extension plugin available for WordPress with over 200,000 active installs.

Contact and Credits

Original development completed by Javier Marquez.



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