Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress WordPress 插件

Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress WordPress 插件


Experience a better way to translate your WordPress site and go multilingual, directly from the front-end using a visual translation interface.


The interface allows you to easily translate the entire page at once, including output from shortcodes, forms and page builders. It also works out of the box with WooCommerce.


Multilingual & Translation Features

  • Translate all your website content directly from the front-end, in a friendly user interface (translations are displayed in real-time).
  • Fully compatible with all themes and plugins
  • 编辑时实时预览翻译后的页面。
  • Image translation support, for translating images, sliders and other media.
  • 支持手动和自动翻译
  • Ability to translate dynamic strings (gettext) added by WordPress, plugins and themes.
  • Integrates with Google Translate, allowing you to set up Automatic Translation using your own Google API key.
  • Translate larger html blocks by merging strings into translation blocks.
  • Place language switchers anywhere using shortcode [language-switcher], WP menu item or as a floating dropdown.
  • Editorial control allowing you to publish your language only when all your translations are done
  • Conditional display content shortcode based on language [trp_language language=”en_US”] English content only [/trp_language]
  • Possibility to edit gettext strings from themes and plugins from English to English, without adding another language. Basically a string-replace functionality.
  • Translate only certain paths and exclude content from being translated
  • Translation Block feature in which you can translate multiple html elements together
  • Native Gutenberg support, so you can easily translate Gutenberg blocks
  • Out of the box WooCommerce compatibility
  • Use our FREE Website Translation tool/widget to browse any website into your own language.

Note: this plugin uses the Google Translation API to translate the strings on your site. This feature can be enabled or disabled according to your preferences.


  • select default language of the website and one translation language, for bilingual sites
  • choose whether language switcher should display languages in their native names or English name
  • force custom links to open in current language
  • enable or disable url subdirectory for the default language
  • enable automatic translation via Google Translate

Powerful Translation Add-ons

TranslatePress – Multilingual has a range of premium Add-ons that allow you to extend the power of this WordPress translation plugin:

Pro Add-ons (available in the premium versions only)

  • Extra Languages – allows you to add an unlimited number of translation languages, with the possibility to publish languages later after you complete the translation
  • SEO Pack – lets you translate meta information (like page title, description, url slug, image alt tag, Twitter and Facebook Social Graph tags & more) for boosting your multilingual SEO and increase traffic. Works with all popular SEO plugins.
  • Translator Accounts – create or allow existing users to translate the site without admin rights
  • Browse as User Role – view and translate content that is visible only to a particular user role
  • Navigation Based on Language – configure and display different menu items for different languages
  • Automatic User Language Detection – redirect first time visitors to their preferred language based on their browser settings or IP address
  • DeepL 自动翻译 – DeepL自动翻译插件可让您通过DeepL API自动翻译网站


  • CTRL(⌘)+S-保存当前编辑字符串的翻译
  • Ctrl(⌘)+ALT+Z-放弃当前编辑字符串的所有更改
  • CTRL(⌘)+ALT+→(右箭头)-导航到下一个字符串
  • CTRL(⌘)+ALT+←(左箭头)-导航到上一个字符串



Visit TranslatePress WordPress Translation plugin documentation page




You can test out TranslatePress – Multilingual plugin by visiting our demo site



2024-07-11 20:42:21
