WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and 电邮日志 Plugin WordPress 插件

WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and 电邮日志 Plugin WordPress 插件


WordPress 电子邮件 SMTP 寄件插件

在您的WordPress站点上遇到了无法发送邮件的问题?您并不孤单。目前有超过200万个网站正在使用WP Mail SMTP来可靠地发送邮件。


WP MAIL SMTP通过正确配置WordPress在发送邮件时使用的SMTP提供程序来修复邮件的可达性。




Gmail、Yahoo、Office 365和Zoho等流行的电子邮件客户端都在不断地与垃圾邮件发送者进行着斗争。他们关注的问题之一是,电子邮件是否真实的来自其声称的发件地址。


这对于很多WordPress站点来说是一个问题,因为默认情况下,WordPress使用PHP MAIL函数来发送WordPress或其余联系表单插件生成的邮件,如WPForms联系表单插件。



WP Mail SMTP如何工作?

WP Mail SMTP插件通过改进和更改您WordPress站点的电子邮件发送方式,轻松解决电子邮件发送问题。我们重新配置了wp_mail()函数,以使用正确的SMTP主机凭据或是内置的SMTP邮件提供程序。


This helps you fix all WordPress not sending email issues.

WP Mail SMTP插件包含许多不同的SMTP设置选项:

  1. SendLayer (#1 Recommended)
  2. SMTP.com (推荐)
  3. Sendinblue SMTP (推荐)
  4. Mailgun SMTP
  5. SendGrid SMTP
  6. Postmark SMTP
  7. SparkPost SMTP
  8. Gmail SMTP (Gmail, Google Workspace, G Suite)
  9. Microsoft SMTP (Outlook.com and Office 365) [Pro]
  10. Amazon SES SMTP [Pro]
  11. Zoho Mail SMTP [Pro]
  12. 所有其他SMTP


谷歌翻译:我们决定将其全部集于一身,而不是让用户为不同的SMTP提供商使用不同的SMTP插件和工作流程。 这就是使WP Mail SMTP成为WordPress的最佳SMTP解决方案的原因。


SendLayer is our #1 recommended transactional email service.

Its affordable pricing and simple setup make it the perfect choice for sending emails from WordPress. It also has open and click tracking, email logs, and email list management.
SendLayer is the best choice if you want a mailer that’s reliable, fast, and easy to set up. You can send hundreds of emails for free when you sign up for a trial.

Read our SendLayer documentation for more details.






Sendinblue SMTP





Mailgun SMTP

Mailgun SMTP是一个流行的SMTP服务提供商,允许您发送大量的电子邮件。他们每月提供5,000封免费邮件的发送额度,为期3个月。

WP MAIL SMTP插件提供了与MailGun的原生集成。您所要做的就是连接您的MailGun账户,这将会提高您的电子邮件可达性。


SendGrid SMTP

SendGrid提供有免费的SMTP计划,您可以使用它每天发送100封邮件。通过我们的原生SendGrid SMTP集成,您可在WordPress站点上轻松安全地设置SendGrid SMTP。


Postmark SMTP

Send emails securely using your Postmark account with our API integration. You can sign up for a free trial without a credit card, which allows you to send up to 100 emails per month.

Read our Postmark documentation for more details.

SparkPost SMTP

SparkPost is a transactional email provider that’s trusted by big brands and small businesses. It sends more than 4 trillion emails each year and reports 99.9% uptime. You can get started with the free test account that lets you send up to 500 emails per month.

Read our SparkPost documentation for more details.

Gmail SMTP (Gmail, Google Workspace, G Suite)

Often bloggers and small business owners don’t want to use third-party SMTP services. Well you can use your Gmail or Google Workspace (also known as G Suite/Google Apps) account for SMTP emails.


与其他Gmail SMTP插件不同,我们的Gmail SMTP选项使用OAuth来验证您的谷歌账户,使您的登录信息100%安全。


Microsoft SMTP(Outlook.com和Office 365)

Many businesses use Outlook.com or Microsoft 365 to power their email. Our Microsoft mailer integration allows you to use your existing Outlook.com or Microsoft 365 account to send emails from WordPress for better deliverability.

Read our Outlook and Microsoft 365 documentation for more details.


高级或技术用户可以通过Amazon SES邮件程序利用Amazon AWS(Amazon Web Services)的功能。通过此集成,您可以以合理的速率发送大量的邮件。


Zoho Mail SMTP

使用您的个人或企业Zoho Mail账户发送电子邮件,同时保证您的登录信息安全。

阅读我们的Zoho Mail文档以了解更多信息。


WP Mail SMTP插件可以用于常见的电子邮件服务如Gmail、Yahoo、Outlook、Microsoft Live,也可用于其他提供SMTP的电子邮件服务。


  • 指定一个SMTP主机。
  • 指定一个SMTP端口。
  • 选择SSL / TLS加密。
  • 是否选择使用SMTP身份验证。
  • 指定SMTP用户名和密码。


One-Click Migration

Want to switch from your old SMTP plugin to WP Mail SMTP? We made it easy for you to migrate your SMTP settings in one click!

WP Mail SMTP will automatically detect your existing SMTP plugin (Easy WP SMTP, FluentSMTP, etc) when you run our easy Setup Wizard. Just click Import to copy your settings over.

Our one-click migration tool supports all of these plugins:

  • Easy WP SMTP
  • FluentSMTP
  • Post SMTP Mailer
  • SMTP Mailer

WP Mail SMTP 专业版


Click here to purchase WP Mail SMTP Pro now!



But that’s just the beginning. Our powerful WordPress email logs unlock extra tools to help you measure email engagement and improve email deliverability:

Resend Emails

You resend any email or forward it to one or more email addresses, right from your email log. From the overview page, you can also resend multiple emails in bulk. This is an awesome way to resend emails that failed or forward important emails to an alternative email address.

Track Email Opens and Clicks

Wondering if an important email was actually opened, or if any links in the email were clicked? Our email log lets you view open and click tracking stats for your WordPress emails.

Store Email Attachments

WP Mail SMTP lets you store all of the email attachments that are sent from your WordPress site. That makes it easy to review an attachment or archive it locally.

Export Email Logs

Easily export your WordPress email logs to CSV, EML, or Excel. You can filter the email logs before you export and only download the data you need. This feature lets you easily create your own deliverability reports. You can also use the data in 3rd party dashboards to track deliverability along with your other website statistics.

Print Emails

Once you’ve activated email logging, any individual log file can be printed in an easy-to-read format. If you want to archive an email log digitally, it’s easy to export it to a PDF document too.

Manage Multisite Email Logs Easily

WP Mail SMTP makes it easy for Network Admins to view and manage email logs for subsites. You can access all of your deliverability information from the Network Admin dashboard and quickly switch between subsites. That makes it easy to review email logging data for all subsites on one centralized page.

Email Alerts

Get instantly notified about failed emails! If your site’s mailer or SMTP service stops sending your emails, you’ll immediately receive a notification. Choose from several helpful alert methods, including:

  • Email Notifications
  • Slack Notifications
  • SMS/Twilio Notifications
  • Webhook Notifications

In combination with Email Logging and Email Resend, Email Alerts let you ensure that no important email will ever be lost.

Email Reports

Email reports make it easy to track deliverability and engagement at-a-glance. Your open and click-through rates are grouped by subject line, making it easy to review the performance of campaigns or notifications. The report also displays Sent and Failed emails each week so you spot any issues quickly. You’ll also see an email report chart right in your WordPress dashboard.

Weekly Email Summary

Get statistics about WordPress emails sent directly into your inbox. Our weekly emails reveal how many emails are being sent from your WordPress site, and which ones are getting opens and clicks. The Summary also shows you deliverability statistics at-a-glance so you can spot any issues without logging into WordPress.






We provide limited support for the WP Mail SMTP plugin on the WordPress.org forums. Access to our world class one-on-one email support is available to WP Mail SMTP Pro users.



有我们来为您设置好一切,您可以坐下来放松。白手套设置包括WP MAIL SMTP插件的安装及设置,对您的DNS进行配置调整以确保电子邮件域名验证正确设置,对SMTP.com货Mailgun进行设置,然后到最终测试以确认一切顺利完成。


WP Mail SMTP团队非常重视安全性。该插件不仅遵循所有安全性最佳做法,而且我们提供了多种选择来确保您的网站安全。

  • Direct SMTP mailer integrations (recommended), such as SMTP.com, Sendinblue, Mailgun, SendGrid, Postmark and SparkPost, use the official provider APIs. This means you never enter your username or password in the plugin settings and these credentials are not stored in the database. Instead, we use tokens or API keys which are much more secure.

  • 当使用其他SMTP邮件程序时,我们提供了将密码插入到 wp-config.php 文件中的选项,因此在WordPress设置中不可见,因为它未被保存在数据库中。


WP Mail SMTP插件最初是由Callum Macdonald所开发。 现由WPForms幕后的团队所拥有和维护,WPForms是很受欢迎的WordPress拖放表单生成器。



如果您喜欢我们的WP Mail SMTP插件,那么请考虑看看我们的其他项目。

  • OptinMonster – 使用WordPress最受欢迎的转换优化插件获得更多的电子邮件订阅者。
  • WPForms – #1 drag & drop online form builder for WordPress (trusted by 5 million sites).
  • MonsterInsights – 查看重要的统计数据并自信地发展您的业务。WordPress最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件。
  • SeedProd – 使用我们强大的拖拽式着陆页面构建器创建漂亮的着陆页面。
  • RafflePress – 增加流量和社交粉丝的最佳 WordPress 赠品和禁赛插件。
  • Smash Balloon – 最佳 WordPress 社交 feeds 插件 – 在WordPress中显示社交媒体内容,无需代码。
  • AIOSEO – 原创的WordPress SEO插件,帮助您在搜索结果中获得更高的排名(受到200多万网站的信任)。
  • PushEngage – 利用领先的 Web 推送通知插件在访客离开您的网站后与他们联系。
  • TrustPulse – 添加实时社交证明通知,以提高您的商店转换率,最高可达15%。
  • SearchWP – The most advanced WordPress search plugin. Customize your WordPress search algorithm, reorder search results, track search metrics, and everything you need to leverage search to grow your business.
  • AffiliateWP – The #1 affiliate management plugin for WordPress. Easily create an affiliate program for your eCommerce store or membership site within minutes and start growing your sales with the power of referral marketing.
  • WP Simple Pay – The #1 Stripe payments plugin for WordPress. Start accepting one-time and recurring payments on your WordPress site without setting up a shopping cart. No code required.
  • Easy Digital Downloads – The best WordPress eCommerce plugin for selling digital downloads. Start selling eBooks, software, music, digital art, and more within minutes. Accept payments, manage subscriptions, advanced access control, and more.
  • Sugar Calendar – A simple & powerful event calendar plugin for WordPress that comes with all the event management features including payments, scheduling, timezones, ticketing, recurring events, and more.




2024-09-20 18:08:44
