WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider and Carousel WordPress 插件

WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider and Carousel WordPress 插件


the #1 WordPress Logo Showcase Slider plugin.

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WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider is one of the leading & popular logo slider plugins available for WordPress.

Features included in our plugin

  • Logo Slider for Client logos
  • Logo Gallery to showcase Business partners logos
  • Logo Carousel for Brands & Affiliate logos
  • Logo ticker for Sponsors logos

Features :

Display responsive logo slideshow – logo slider and logo carousel on your/client website.

WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider and Carousel plugin lets your website display multiple logo carousels of your clients, sponsors, business partners, affiliates, supporters, brands logos in an aesthetically appealing and professional way.

The plugin work with shortcode so you can easily display logo slideshow anywhere on your site.

Also added Gutenberg block support.

Here is the shortcode example


If you want to display Logos by category then use this short code

[logoshowcase limit="-1" cat_id="category_ID"]

Use Following parameters with shortcode

  • limit:
    [logoshowcase limit=”10″] ( i.e. Display 10 Logo on your website. To show all logo use limit=”-1″ )
  • Display by category
    [logoshowcase cat_id=”category_ID”] ( i.e. Display Logos by their category ID )
  • Display category name:
    [logoshowcase cat_name=”category name”] ( Display category name)
  • Slide columns for Logo slider:
    [logoshowcase slides_column=”4″] (Display no of columns in Logos slider )
  • Number of Logos slides at a time:
    [logoshowcase slides_scroll=”1″] (Controls number of Logos slide at a time)
  • Pagination and arrows:
    [logoshowcase dots=”false” arrows=”false”]
  • Auto play and Auto play Interval:
    [logoshowcase autoplay=”true” autoplay_interval=”2000″]
  • Logo Showcase Slide Speed:
    [logoshowcase speed=”1000″]
  • Loop:
    [logoshowcase loop=”true”] ( Display slider in Loop OR not : You can use “true” OR “false”)
  • Initialize Slide:
    [logoshowcase start_slide=”2″] (Initialize slider with particular slide.)
  • Center Mode:
    [logoshowcase center_mode=”false”] ( Display slider in Center Mode OR not : You can use “true” OR “false”)
  • link_target:
    [logoshowcase link_target=”blank”] (Open link on the same Tab OR other Tab. Values are “blank” and “self”)
  • show_title:
    [logoshowcase show_title=”false”] (i.e. show logo title or not. By default value is “false” Values are “true” and “false”)
  • image_size:
    [logoshowcase image_size=”original”] (i.e. set image size of logo. By default value is “original” Values are “original, large, medium, thumbnail”)
  • max_height:
    [logoshowcase max_height=”80″] (i.e. set image maximum height 80px with 100% maximum width for better output. By default value is “250”)
  • order:
    [logoshowcase order=”DESC”] (Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘orderby’ parameter. Defaults to ‘DESC’. Values are “DESC” and “ASC”)
  • orderby :
    [logoshowcase orderby=”post_date”] (Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to ‘date (post_date)’. One or more options can be passed. ‘none’,ID’,’author’,’title’,’name’,rand’,date’)
  • hide_border :
    [logoshowcase hide_border=”true”] (Option to remove the border of logo. )
  • rtl :
    [logoshowcase rtl=”true”] (Option to enable RTL mode )
  • lazyload :
    [logoshowcase lazyload=”ondemand”] (Add lazy load to the images. By defaults there is no lazy load. Two options can be passed. ‘ondemand’, ‘progressive’)

Along with its minimal style and design, it is extremely easy to set up a beautiful logo gallery of your sponsors and clients lists with different styles like grid, slider and isotope filtering by category and is compatible with all devices.

WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider is highly customizable, responsive, user-friendly and flexible. This plugin works with simple dynamic shortcodes to display logo slideshow anywhere on your pages anyway you want. No coding skill required.

How to install :

Features include:

  • Added Gutenberg block support.
  • Added two new shortcode parameters “order and order by”
  • Display Client logoshowcase in slider view.
  • Display unlimited client logo showcase according to category.
  • Add external/internal link for images.
  • Enable center mode (Shown in Demo)
  • Target “blank” OR “self” when user click on link (Specify target to load the Links)
  • Lazy load option for image.
  • Set image size with image_size=”original” parameter (Logo image size control).
  • Display Logo including / excluding Title (Show or hide logo title)
  • Multiple sliders can be shown from different Logo categories.
  • Slider sliding speed, auto play Interval, navigation, pagination, Slide columns for Logo slider, Number of Logos slides at a time.
  • Slider Lazy loading your images which can improve your website speed by only calling on the loading of your images when they are needed.
  • Created with Slick Slider.
  • Display slider in Loop OR not

Template code is

<?php echo do_shortcode('[logoshowcase]'); ?>

PRO Features :

Premium Version

  • Added 4 shortcodes with various parameters.
  • [logoshowcase] – Logo Slider/Carousel Shortcode.
  • [logo_grid] – Logo Grid Shortcode.
  • [logo_filter] – Logo Filter Shortcode.
  • [wpls_logo_list] – Logo Showcase List View Shortcode.
  • 15+ predefined template for logo showcase.
  • Display logo showcase in a grid view.
  • Display logo with filtration.
  • Display logo showcase in slider view.
  • Created with versatile Slick Slider with various parameters.
  • Slider RTL support.
  • Display logo showcase categories wise.
  • Visual Composer support.
  • Gutenberg, Elementor, Beaver and SiteOrigin Page Builder Support (New).
  • Divi Page Builder Native Support (New).
  • Drag & Drop features to display logo in your desired order.
  • Logo Showcase with tool-tip with 5 tool-tip theme and various parameters.
  • Add your custom CSS via plugin setting page.
  • 100% Multi language.
  • Template code :
  • <?php echo do_shortcode('[logoshowcase]'); ?>
  • <?php echo do_shortcode('[logo_grid]'); ?>
  • <?php echo do_shortcode('[logo_filter]'); ?>
  • <?php echo do_shortcode('[wpls_logo_list]'); ?>

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Privacy & Policy

  • We have also opt-in e-mail selection , once you download the plugin , so that we can inform you and nurture you about products and its features.



2024-07-11 10:26:30
